Wow, the changes in just two weeks! She wakes up in the morning cooing and "talking" to herself already! That is, after her 4am bottle. I'm talking around 7:30am when we get up and start the day. I walk in and she beams a smile at me...priceless! Not that that schedule will be the same for long! As I'm told, don't expect to stick to a scheduled nighttime routine this early. I am proud of her though: she'll generally sleep from about 9pm to 4pm or so.
Right now, I'm typing with her sound asleep on my chest in her Baby Bjorn. I know, I can't believe I bought one of these things. But to anyone wondering about which carrier to get, there are some things that are worth the extra expense, and this is one of them. The Chicco one gave her a rash on her cheek, the material wasn't soft and it was hard to get her in and out.
I must admit, we do have quite a cute baby. I guess all new moms say that. Her face has really changed in the past few weeks. She is a very, very active, wriggly, alert little girl. She loves her bouncy chair that Mimi got for her. She squeals with delight at the lights and music on the chair. She loves daddy's arms, too...must be something about his deep voice and big biceps! :-) They like to lounge on the couch together.
Thank you God for my precious gift! Every day I look at her and am grateful for every toe, finger, and smile.